What Is Asbestos Encapsulation?

When asbestos is found inside your home, it does not necessarily mean that the material containing it should be immediately removed. If the material containing asbestos has been slightly damaged, access to the area should be limited in order to prevent disturbing it. On the other hand, if the material has been damaged extensively or if you are planning to repair or remodel the area where it is located, it is highly advisable to remove the asbestos containing material.

On the other hand, if the asbestos containing material has not been damaged or disturbed, it can remain in your home without posing any harm to the health of the members of your household. Following a thorough examination and evaluation conducted by a qualified professional, you may decide whether to keep the asbestos containing material in your home or decide to have it removed.

Should you decide to keep the asbestos containing material in your home, there are a few options that you can choose from to protect your family’s health and prevent asbestos from posing any harm, and these are collectively known as asbestos abatement methods.

Asbestos abatement refers to the different methods that are used to lessen the dangers and hazards posed by materials containing asbestos. These methods include encapsulation, enclosure, repair and maintenance.

What is asbestos encapsulation?

Asbestos encapsulation refers to the treatment of asbestos containing materials with sealants. These sealants then surround the asbestos fibres, thus preventing them from being released. The bridging encapsulant used in this method creates a membrane that penetrates the asbestos containing material and binds itself with the fibres.

Take note that asbestos encapsulation is different from simply painting the surface of an asbestos containing material. Paint can act as a sealant but it cannot prevent asbestos containing materials from crumbling into smaller pieces. In fact, painting the material containing asbestos may loosen the asbestos fibres.

Asbestos encapsulation is not a viable option for asbestos containing materials that are beginning to crumble and deteriorate. Applying the sealant on the material can only make the asbestos loose and facilitate the release of the fibres into the air. Using a penetrating sealant may also make it difficult to remove the asbestos containing material, should you decide upon that later on in the future. Additionally, the encapsulant should be checked and inspected from time to time as it may deteriorate over time.

Should asbestos be found in your home, do not panic. Instead, call in professionals to determine whether the material you suspect to contain asbestos does indeed contain it or not. These professionals can then give you advice on how best to proceed.

Call Jim’s Asbestos Removal on 131 546 or book online now for your free no-obligation quote!


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